So as you know, I just was hired as a nanny last week but was only hired for part time work. I work from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. (ish). I really wanted to find another part time job because the 15 hours a week was not enough for me to make through the summer. Last night, I was asked to work at my church as my youth pastor's assistant. WHAT A BLESSING! God is so awesome! So I have a really jam packed schedule right now, but I know that God is preparing me for some crazy awesome things. Getting to work with David is going to be a really awesome experience for me and I know that this summer is ultimately preparing me for what is to come in my future. As a teacher I'm going to have lots of things to juggle; schedules, 20 kids, lesson plans, recess duty, grading papers, etc. so I'm looking at this busy season right now as preparation. Thanks for reading about my crazy awesome life! I realized after writing this, I'm kinda a rambler lol. Peace.
How did this happen?
7 years ago
Lauren!!! Thats awesome! I feel ya! Its so crazy juggling all the jobs the Lord has blessed us with! But we have them and thats all that matters! Isnt the Lord so FAITHFUL! I love it! AND I love you!!! And miss you!!
Ill be praying that the Lord will give you rest amidst the craziness!
See you soon!
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